Bio-stimulants are one of the most important categories of products for agriculture industry in today’s time with the increasing awareness for the organic ...
As per FAO estimates globally, in agriculture practices, 20%-40% losses are caused by pests and vector diseases, impacting global economies. In order to control the spread of ...
Agricultural pests as well as household pests can grow to be a huge menace, if not controlled. Our entomological services are designed to mitigate this nuisance.
Humanity is hugely threatened by vector and vector-borne diseases, both, from the management point of view as well as from an economic perspective. Many global organisations...
Equipped with the ISO 17025 accredited laboratory, along with DSIR, CIB-RC, GLB approvals, Ross Lifescience is committed to helping companies find solutions, by assuring ...
To ensure a healthy environment, RLS offers the following services, driven purely by quality and customer focus.
A critical part of product evaluation for a variety of components and materials is the Paint and coating test. The RLS experts help ensure the correct ...
To help the sponsors achieve Petroleum, Chemical and Gas testing goals, RLS’S state-of-the-art testing facility is equipped with world class infrastructure...
RLS’S polymers and rubbers characterization & testing laboratory offers careful analysis of polymers, plastics, elastomers, sealants, monomers, composites...
Ross Lifescience offers pharmaceutical testing and research services to support the development, approval and manufacture of pharmaceutical raw materials ...
RLS’S polymers and rubbers characterization & testing laboratory offers careful analysis of polymers, plastics, elastomers, sealants, monomers, composites, and other polymer compounds.
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